Unicolour Sep 6, 2014 With the shut down of Twitpic I decided it was time to upload my GIFs somewhere else, all one of them. Unfortunately Twitter doesn’t allow GIFs over 3MB, so I had to upload it to YouTube instead, but better than it being lost forever.
Mint - Preview of the new 'Blue' Steam UI Aug 13, 2014

The Steam Database posted some mock-ups of what the Steam store will look like with the new theme that is currently in development. Out of curiosity I wanted to know what the whole thing would look like inside the updated client (that is currently available in the beta channel).

Steam Blue Theme

Cookie - Stop GameMaker deleting skins when updating Jun 8, 2014 GameMaker’s auto-updater has its issues, but deleting your customs skins shouldn’t be one of them. One of GameMaker’s hidden features is that it has two folders on your computer. The first folder stores the main program that gets overwritten when you update. The second folder is where you can keep all your skins, tutorials, extensions and DnD libraries safe from the evil auto-muncher. So the folder where the main components of the IDE are is located at ...
WWDC 2014 - Top 5 developer announcements Jun 3, 2014 Today Apple demonstrated the future of developing on its platforms at its 2014 Worldwide Developer Conference. Unlike previous years the conference was solely focused software – OS X 10.10 Yosemite and iOS 8. Here are the 5 most important things that developers should take away from today. App Bundles – When iOS 8 is launched later this year developers will have the ability to be able to sell bundles of apps at a discounted rate in the App Store. ...
Cookie - Surfaces in GameMaker: Studio May 31, 2014 Getting started with drawing to a surface in GameMaker can be scary, especially when you see all the warnings and mystical properties that are associated with them. The good news is that in reality, there isn’t really that much to them. In the latest release of GameMaker 1.3 the main draw area IS a surface. So you’re working with them already, you just don’t know it. The main thing you have to remember about surfaces is they aren’t guaranteed to be there, just like biscuits in a biscuit jar, so you have to check they exist before drawing (or eating). ...
Just 21 - Release Mar 1, 2014

Just 21 Title

Just 21 is a game I started working during the middle of last year as a mobile HTML5 game, however I hit a couple technical difficulties at the time and set the project aside. I recently came back and re-worked the project for Android and iOS. At this stage I’m not planning on releasing a HTML5 version, though it certainly is a possibility for the future.

Rotated Hexels! Nov 11, 2013 So today I finally decided to pick up Hexels, which is a neat little tool to make minimalistic artwork. However I needed a rotated Hexel for my current project, which needed to be defined via the custom-shape tool. (Thanks to YellowAfterlife for pointing that feature out) Quick mock-up demonstrating rotated Hexel If you need this for one of your projects you can ~~download it here (EDIT 22/5/2014 - Hexels now includes rotated hexels as a preset, you can find it in the custom shape section). ...
GameMaker: ThreeJS Extension Demo! May 15, 2013 Those of you that follow me on Twitter will know that I’ve spent the last week working on integrating the ThreeJS (r58) library with GameMaker: Studio. Now if you are already bursting with excitement you can skip to the end of the post for a link to the working demo! The most awesome thing about this extension is that you can still do all your input control, AI and GUI though the GameMaker canvas. ...
Level 19 - Chickens and Moles Mar 5, 2013

Chickens and Moles

Chickens and Moles is the latest release from the team over at Wormintheworks. The game is available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows, Mac and Facebook. I ended up scoring myself an iOS promo code.

GMC Game Jam, GooglePlay, Future Projects Jan 31, 2013 At the start of this week I entered the 9th GameMaker Community Game Jam, my entry wasn’t as good as it could of been, in the end I only spent a small amount time working on it. However I had a lot of laughs making it and got some really helpful feedback, which I’ll take with me when I go into the next Jam in three months. You can go see the entry here. ...