The Glass is Falling - Update 1.1 Jan 22, 2013

The Glass is Falling - Main Menu

About this time last month I released The Glass is Falling via the Steam Workshop and I received some really good feedback about the game. All of this has gone into creating the update which I uploaded yesterday.

The main points of the update are:

  • New background and sprites
  • Physics Improvements
  • Various Bug Fixes
The Glass is Falling - Release Dec 23, 2012

‘The Glass is Falling’ is a game, well more mini-game, that I’ve been working on in the background for the last week. The goal of the game is simple, stop the glass from hitting the floor. It’s available now on the GM:S Steam Workshop, so if you want to have a play before reading on go ahead!

Glass is Falling - Title Screen

Official Portal 2 Turret? Yes please. Sep 16, 2012 Portal would have to be one of my favourite puzzle games of all time the others being Lemmings and Portal 2. When Velociraptor proofing my place of dwelling, something I always wanted to include was a couple of Portal turrets, so I’m really hoping that Valve plan to start selling them on the adjacent self to the Weighted Companion Cubes.
Day One: Nexus 7 Sep 15, 2012

I decided last week that I needed a tablet to test my upcoming Android app that I’ve been working on over the last few months. After writing several pro/con lists, I settled on Asus’ Nexus 7.

The main reason I decided to go with the Nexus 7 for app development was that it is running the newest version of Android (4.1.1) which is brilliant for testing my app. Being the flagship Google Tablet I expect that it will get all the major revisions of Android almost as they are released.

Google Nexus 7

A Day in the Life of my Minecraft Server Oct 18, 2011

I’ve never been a big fan of Minecraft, and I probably will never be, which is a little bit strange seeing as I run a Minecraft server. The game just never clicked for me, I always found it a bit, dull. Though I will admit I’m a little bit jealous when people go out and build some incredible stuff like a 8-bit computer or a 3d printer.

Minecraft Stargate Destiny Destiny out of Stargate Universe - By Blade695

Watching that ship getting constructed was absolutely epic, it even has a gate on it! Only thing it doesn’t do is jump to FTL.

Minecraft Star Destroyer Star Destroyer out of Star Wars - By Blade695

While I prefer the Destiny, you can’t forget the good old Star Destroyer, it brings back memories.

Free Website Stumbling Aug 2, 2011

Recently I went on an adventure to buy a domain name, rent a server and build my own website. After being with free hosting for the last couple of years, I was fed up with the MySQL database outages and DoS attacks on the servers. So it was finally time to move up to paid hosting. If you ever do want to have a crack at making your own website with a budget of $0 the best hosts/domains from my experience were;

000Webhost logo

  • 000webhost - They are very reliable for a small website, but I did have a lot of trouble with the MySQL server though. They use a custom Cpanel that is very usable, with a couple ads for their parent company on it; your website though will have no ads on it though, which is very nice.

x10 hosting logo

  • x10hosting - They have full version of Cpanel 11 and have support for a lot more features than most low paid hosting. The catch is that they have penalties for overusing server resources, which seem unfairly low. The servers were fairly reliable; they did have a little downtime though. And like 000Webhosting, no ads.

Hosting is only half a website though; the other half is getting a domain name. I tried all the popular ones, like and the ones that x10 and 000 offer. But I managed to find some more decent and professional ones.

Make that Game Jun 13, 2011 When I first discovered the world of programming I wanted to go and make the next Battlefield or Age of Empires, just like the “Getting Started” tutorial warns you against. (Yeah if you missed it, it’s right at the top, under the Getting Started heading.) After failing at that, I lowered my goals to a 2D RTS and a Retro Scrolling Shooter. I still haven’t finished either of them. This time it wasn’t due to my programming skills, it was because I still hadn’t got that message in the “Getting Started” tutorial I had read all those aeons ago. ...
Level 19 - Innoquous 4 May 16, 2011

NAL the creator of Mmm and MADDENING for iPhone recently released his newest title Innoqous 4 on PC. It’s his first title in 3D and makes Innoquous 4 the best in the gravity-flipping series.

The first thing you’ll probably notice is that it is his best looking game yet. Previous NAL games have focused on game play rather than graphics in the past. It also has a very nice soundtrack that blends nicely into the game play.

Now I have never really been a NALGames fan, I have always found his unique creations to be to very grinding, having to repeat levels over and over again without gain, and this is something that continues into I4. Especially with the challenge modes (How do you complete a level in 7s? I had trouble doing the level in a few minutes), but the thing for me was that this time I found the game just genuinely fun to play. This was because of some of the new features included in the game, how could you not like a game where the goal is to go “bunny hunting”?

Game Maker 8.1 Lite Apr 16, 2011

GameMaker 8.1 (Single word now) has received mixed reviews on the Game Maker Community, while a lot of members have given it thumbs up, many are upset that it has broken their code and is not compatible with certain extensions/DLLs. Personally though not only does it run all my games perfectly, it also runs them a lot faster than Game Maker 8.0 (Two Words).

YoYo Games made lots of noise about the new zoom feature in the room editor, while this is great (bit buggy though), the big thing new feature for me has to be the upgraded font rendering! Now all my games have sharp as crystal text. When Mike Dailly first brought up the whole font improvement, I just didn’t get it, I couldn’t even tell the difference between the two images he put up comparing the new and the old. But now I get it and I am going to rush out and buy the standard edition tomorrow (Literally).

Howdy! Apr 14, 2011

NASA Rocket Launch

Its been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve tried to do a blog a few times now, but haven’t been able to keep it going. So here goes attempt three!
