

G’day, mate!

I’m Chris, I enjoy Coffee, Stargate and anything that can break the speed of light.

My passion is in Engineering where I have Bachelor of Engineering. I majored in Robotics and Mechatronics and graduated with Honours.

In the last few years, I’ve published a few games, helped build open-source software and run a local film festival. Along the way, I’ve built flying robots and CnC Machines.

I use my spare time to read, experiment with code and look after my aquatic snail Timmy.

Tools I use to create games

  • Game Dev Market is a really wonderful addition to the Indie developer scene in the last few years. The catalogue of resources used to be very spread out and Game Dev Market has helped bring all that to one place and isn’t locked to a single game engine.
  • GameMaker is still easily one of the best tools for making 2D native games. If you want to expand into making 3D games Unity is probably the best option.
  • Chequered Ink is the best source for fonts for small games. Most font licenses make it too expensive for small (<1000 user) games. They provide very straightforward licenses that are indie friendly.
  • Phaser if you want to make a HTML5 game Phaser is probably the best stop, it has a lot more flexibility than GameMaker in the space, but has a higher learning curve.


Email: derme[at]outlook[dot]com